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24 Advent Reflections (instant download)

24 Advent Reflections (instant download)

Regular price $9.00 USD
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These insightful reflections have been written by my friend, the very wise Jill Williams. A long time lecturer and Bible teacher here in Sydney, Australia.

My hope is that they help you pause and contemplate Jesus more during the lead up to Christmas.

You can download these reflections and use them in your daily devotionals, or read them with your family.

Appropriate for kids and adults alike, the reflections are short, but punchy. 


"We received our calendar and are loving the devotions that come with it!"
Tinna, USA.

"Just a quick email to say how much we are enjoying the devotions this year!"
Alison, Australia

"We really love this advent countdown and are excited to freshen up our Advent routines and devotions together"
Fiona, United Kingdom
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